Director Abhishek Pathak’s Hindi version of the Malayalam film Drishyam 2, which stars Ajay Devgn in the lead, is going great guns at the box office and has also received positive reviews. The film is the remake of the Malayalam film of the same name released in 2021 and starred Mohanlal. Similarly, the 2015 Hindi version of Drishyam was the remake of the first Malayalam film in the franchise released in 2013. In a recent interview, Jeethu Joseph has confirmed the possibility of Drishyam 3 with Mohanlal and the rest of the cast. However, the film is not even written as of now. But as soon as Jeethu made the statement, Abhishek Pathak, the director of Drishyam 2, has also confirmed the possibility of the third Hindi Drishyam. Speaking to E Times, Pathak said, “People are excited, so they are going to make theories on part 3 and 4. But we’re just about to close our first week now. For sure there’s a demand for part 3, and it shall happen, but we are just happy to be crossing the Rs 1...