Another Bollywood pair is getting hitched today. Shershaah co-stars Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani, who have been quietly dating for a couple of years, are all set to tie the knot on February 7. The bride-to-be Kiara reached Suryagarh Palace on February 4 afternoon ahead of the wedding festivities. She was joined by designer Manish Malhotra. Sidharth Malhotra and his family reached Jaisalmer on Saturday evening whereas several celebrities reached on Sunday. It seems like the wedding festivities began on February 5. On Monday, the mehendi ceremony was lit by DJ Ganesh, Mishaal Advani, and Hari-Sukhmani who entertained the guests. Reports suggest both Sidharth and Kiara set the dance floor on fire with their performances. Both families put up performances during the ceremony. More than 100 dishes from 10 countries will be served at the wedding. The menu reportedly includes Italian, Chinese, American, South Indian, Mexican, Rajasthani, Punjabi, and Gujarati cuisines. It is also being ...